Printing an e-book for binding
Tools: pdftk, pdfjam.
Rearrange pages from the source file:
pdftk latin-out.pdf cat 1 1-317 1 1 output latin-fixed.pdf
Split the source file:
pdftk latin-fixed.pdf cat 1-16 output 016.pdf
pdftk latin-fixed.pdf cat 305-320 output 320.pdf
Fuck, a page was duplicated in the source. Find another file which has it and blend it in:
pdftk A=latin-fixed.pdf B=anthologyoflatin00tyrrrich_bw.pdf cat A145 B154 A147-160 output 160-new.pdf
Generate some commands in python for easy copy-pasting.
for x in range(16, 324, 16):
print "pdfbook --short-edge --signature '16' %03d.pdf" % (x,)
Run the commands:
pdfbook --short-edge --signature '16' 016.pdf
pdfbook --short-edge --signature '16' 320.pdf